lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

Sometimes people do not think about their health

 There are many things that we do and which perjudice our health, like drinking too much alcohol. Although people know that this could be dangerous, they do not care abut that. Most of our society knows that alcohol has many effects on each person and this could turn into alcohol poisoning. However, they do not pay much attention to that problem.

Firs of all, alcochol is classified as a depressant, because its use slows down many functions of the body, including the blood presure, your heart rate and your breathing.  For example, if a person consumes a large amount of alcohol, it slows down the person and can lead to unconsciousness. The heart ans lungs can be slowed to the point of stopping entirely, which is very dangerous. Unfortunately, people think that drinking alcohol is great fun and makes you forget some problems. This causes what we know as alcohol poisoning.

Alcohol poisoning is a drug overdose which is a threatening situation for life. However, people often laugh at drunk person. If she or he passes out, friends may find that even more comical. In fact, some people thin that it is all part of the drinking experience. In spite of that, many young people could die everyday in the world because friends are left with the thought "I should have done something" and sometimes it is too late to help your friend.

The amount of alcohol that will cause alcohol poisoning depends on gender, size, weigh, body compplexion, tolerance and other factors. If a person drinks more than the standard drink per hour, the blood alcohol concentration increases since the body can metabolize only one drink per houe. After lo of shots, accumulation of alcohol will lead to a fast increase of alcohoncentration in the blood. The remaining drinks accumulated in a person who continues drinking can lead to alcohol poisoning. For this reason  in some cases it is dangerous to assume that a person will be fine if he or she is just sleeping. It is very important to evaluate anyone who is drunk. Sometimes the person who is drunk thinks that they are okay, but the alcohol is in their blood and it could take time to circulare, besides being dangerous.
For that reason , it is essential to look for help if a drunk person is vomiting, violent, passed out, disoriented or acting bizarrely in order to help him or her. Some times people are afraid to look for help for a friend who has had too much to drink. they often are worried that if they call for help, their freind may be angry and face embarrassment or other problems. It is important to think that it is always better to be safe than sorry; taking action can save lives!

The best way to prevent alcohol poisoning is to refrain from drinking. It is important that the people who choose to drink keep to reasonable limits. There are many reasons for stopping drinking, but it is important to think of the people who are round you. You harm yourself and everyone who loves you. You may think that the alcohol helps to forget many personal, family or school problems, but it just helps to forget them for a moment and then it makes them worse. The fact is that alcohol is a drug, and it will affect your body, but, if you think very well about what you want for your future, the results will be good. You have to be aware of your actions with all the people who are around you. your choice is important to your life. Think before actsing!.

By: Miss Boop 

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